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Ah ha, the first in a series of collages based off my sepia water color series. Here is "Smoking Hot Women" the collage period piece from the 1930's.  This collage began with an enlargement of my original watercolor painting (Smoking Hot Women) to 71" x 41"  and has been adorned with pertinent 1930 events. Left to right is Mother Superior, is an image of Tamara de Lempicka's painting, Tootsie Pops invented in 1931, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz winner of motion pictures and song, Somewhere over the Rainbow, Amelia Earhart, S&H Green Stamps woven into the sweater, Amelia Earhart aviation pioneer, Betty Boop cartoon character and the movie poster from Reefer Madness. This collage will be sporting a faux fur frame coming soon....

My Norman Rockwell style painting of my

This palette knife oil is painted on a panel board.  It is the first in an upcoming series that will capture Norman Rockwell like themes.

                            Dimensions: 24" x 18"

                         Private Collection of the Artist

Their Last Words Made Him Smille (1)_edited.jpg

       Their Last Words Made Him Smile

This palette knife oil painted on wood panel board involves the beloved characters, Charlie McCarthy, Felix the Cat and Howdy Doody in what appears to be a dark situation.

Framed  25.5" x 17.5"                            SOLD   $1960

Finished commission piece going to a hom

Olan Mills Portrait Series

Olan Mills portrait (Proof  #1) Oil on p

These palette knife oil paintings feature the vintage characters Howdy Doody, Charlie McCarthy and Felix the cat.  The inspiration to create an Olan Mills portrait series came after repetitive rearrangement of the actual wooden dolls while trying to create a still life.  This three children (doll) configuration reminded me of the days when families sat for the infamous Olan Mills family portrait.  Although these paintings have been sold, commissions from this series are available. If interested, contact me at for more information.

Olan Mills portrait (Proof #2) oil on pa

                Vintage Character Portraits

Oil on wood panel 8_x8_ #oilpainting #ho
Oil painting on 8_ x 8_ panel available
“Selfie” - watercolor and gouache on Kha
Another pallet knife oil of my favorite


Selfie was painted using watercolor and gouache on Khadi paper.  Khadi paper is a rag paper that can take a lot of abuse when lifting color and scrubbing.  The original painting was sold to a private collector but giclee prints are available in the same dimensions as the original painting.

Giclee print image dimensions are 24" x 15" with a one inch border.                                                



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